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The Village of Twin Lakes contracts with Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc. for assessment services.

The Village of Twin Lakes last performed a market revaluation in 2021. The next market revaluation is scheduled for the summer of 2024.

Wisconsin is a Market Value state. This means property values are required to mirror the fair market value of comparable properties to ensure property owners are paying their fair share of taxes.

The fair market value of all property is calculated by reviewing arm’s length sales between a willing seller and a willing buyer on the open market. Assessors consider information from many sources to determine your assessment.

Assessors review market sales every January 1. Sales after the new year will not be used to determine value. The property tax bill you receive in December is based on the assessment value of your property as of the previous January 1.

Assessors don’t set tax rates. The revaluation does not change the amount of tax collected by the village, county, school district, or technical college.

Open Book by Phone:
– Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
– Monday, September 16, 2024, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Once the 2024 preliminary assessment roll is complete, it will be located on Associated Appraisals’ website listed under Assessments.

2023 Completed Real Estate Assessment Roll

Open book is a conference with the assessor to discuss the value of your property. You have until 48 hours before the Board of Review to contact the assessor about your new value.

Board of Review:
– Thursday, October 3, 2024, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Board of Review is held in the Twin Lakes Village Hall Board Room, 105 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes.

Board of Review functions like court and is required to evaluate evidence based on facts. You or your representative must provide factual evidence that your property is inequitably assessed. The burden of proof is solely on the taxpayer. The assessor’s value is presumed correct by State Law until proven otherwise.

Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc.



Phone: 920-749-1995

Fax: 920-731-4158



Notice of Open Book and Board of Review

2023 Kenosha County Mill Rates

Filing/Objections FAQ

Objection to Real Property Assessment Form

Appeals FAQ

Assessment Practices

Board of Review Process

Revaluation FAQ

2024 WI DOR Guide for Property Owners