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Facility Rental

The Village has extended the privilege of using Village properties for functions to various groups and individuals.  Reservations are required.  To check availability please see the website calendar.

Call Village Hall for more information:  262-877-2858.

The following locations are available to rent by residents and non-residents:





Facility Resident/ Non-Resident/
Property Owner Non-Owner
Lance Park $75.00 $150.00
Scout House $75.00 $150.00
Millennium Park $50.00 $100.00

No charge for non-profit organizations, however security deposit is required.

SECURITY DEPOSIT (refundable after inspection):

$100.00 (non-resident, resident, and non-profit)

The Facility Reservation form can be downloaded here.


Resident Fee Non- Resident Fee Deposit
Civic Organizations Only $75 $150 $1,000

The Community Center Rental Application can be downloaded here.


In the summer of 2013, the Village installed an LED community event sign at the corner of Lake Street and Main Street in Central Park in downtown Twin Lakes.  The Village’s community event sign should provide useful information and reflect a positive and inspiring image of Twin Lakes to citizens, businesses, and visitors.  The primary purpose of the community event sign is to serve as a mechanism to post Village meetings.  The Village is willing to open up use of the sign to events on a limited basis and as available.

Print Community Sign Application here.


A Special Event Permit is required for any event that is open to the general public and occurring on or proceeding along a public street, public right-of-way, including sidewalks, or public property (parks, buildings, facilities). This includes use of public property for any exhibition, show, outdoor festival, concert, social gathering, block party, street dance, flea market, fundraiser, non-school-district athletic events, run/bike/walk road race, closing of streets, parade, noise generating events that continue past 11:00 P.M., entertainment and other similar events sponsored by an individual or organized group having a similar or common purpose or goal.  Application deadline is 8 weeks prior to the event.

Special Event Permit Application

Special Event Ordinance and Requirements